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May 18, 2023


The 2022 vintage in Saint-Émilion is one where the probability of finding

The 2022 vintage in Saint-Émilion is one where the probability of finding excellent value at any price point is high – perhaps more so than in any other of the leading appellations. db's Bordeaux correspondent Colin Hay gives his detailed tasting notes on the wines.

For a full run-down on the 2022 en primeur from Saint-Émilion see here.

This year, as for the 2021 vintage before it, I have decided to provide an indicative rating for each wine alongside the published comment. All such comments and ratings are necessarily subjective (they cannot be anything else, when one thinks about it). I would urge you to look at the two together and, if anything, to privilege the comment over the rating. My aim is more to describe the wine in the context of the vintage, the appellation and recent vintages of the same and similar wines, rather than to judge the wine per se.

The ratings, of course, reflect my subjective evaluations and relative preferences between wines. Your palate is likely differ from mine. I hope that my comments give you at least enough information to be able to recalibrate my ratings and, in so doing, to align them more closely to your palate. To give an example: if the idea of the ‘new classicism’ leaves you cold, you may well wish to discount the (typically high) ratings I have given to wines described in such terms.

2022 is, of course, a far from entirely homogeneous vintage – and, consequently, my ratings span a considerable range (from the very top of the scale downwards). I see little interest, either for the consumer or the producer, in publishing very low scores. Consequently, I have decided not to publish scores for wines that I have rated below 90 (here the range 89-91). Where no rating is published, the wine would have scored 88-90 or below.

Finally, élevage is likely to be very important in determining the quality in bottle of these wines (rather more so than in recent vintages). I am no soothsayer and cannot predict how that will turn out. All en primeur ratings should be treated with caution and taken with a certain pinch of salt.

Please click link for db's 2022 en primeur vintage report, along with appellation-by-appellation reviews (links updated as they become available) on Margaux, St Julien, Pessac-Leognan & Graves rouge and blanc, St Estèphe & Haut-Medoc, Pauillac, Pomerol, Saint-Émilion and Sauternes.

A note on the ratings 3 d’Angelus 2022 89-91 Angélus 2022 97-99 Arômes de Pavie 2022 93-95 Les Astéries 2022 94-96 Ausone 2022 98-100 Badette 2022 ( 92-94 Balestard la Tonnelle 2022 92-94+ Barde Haut 2022 92-94+ Beau-Séjour Bécot 2022 95-97+ Beauséjour Duffau Lagarrosse 2022 98-100 Bélair-Monange 2022 96-98 Bellefont Belcier 2022 95-97+ Berliquet 2022 95-97+ Cadet Bon 2022 92-94 Calicem 2022 94-96 Canon 2022 96-98 Canon La Gaffelière 2022 94-96+ Cap de Mourlin 2022 91-93 Carillon d’Angélus 2022 92-94 Chapelle d’Ausone 2022 95-97 Le Châtelet 2022 90-92 Chauvin 2022 92-94+ Cheval Blanc 2022 98-100 Clos des Abesses 2022 Clos Cantenac 2022 91-93 Clos Dubreuil 2022 92-94 Clos Fourtet 2022 96-98+ Clos La Gaffeliere 2022 91-93 Clos des Jacobins 2022 92-94 Clos de L’Oratoire 2022 92-94 Clos de Sarpe 2022 93-95 Clos St Julien 2022 91-93 Clos St Martin 2022 96-98 La Clotte 2022 96-98 La Commanderie 2022 90-92 La Confession 2022 92-94 Cote de Baleau 2022 90-92 La Couspaude 2022 91-93 Couvent des Jacobins 2022 93-95 Croix de Labrie 2022 96-98 La Croizille 2022 91-93+ Dame de Trottevielle 2022 89-91 Dassault 2022 93-95+ Destieux 2022 91-93 Le Dôme 2022 94-96 La Dominique 2022 92-94 L’Etampe 2022 91-93 Faugères 2022 91-93 De Ferrand 2022 92-94 Figeac 2022 98-100 Fleur Cardinale 2022 93-95 Fleur de Lisse 2022 92-94+ La Fleur Morange 2022 90-92 Fombrauge 2022 91-93 De Fonbel 2022 91-93 Fontfleurie 2022 90-92 Fonplégade 2022 93-95+ Fonroque 2022 93-95 Franc Bigaroux 2022 Franc Mayne 2022 92-94+ Franc la Rose 2022 90-92 La Gaffelière 2022 95-97 Grace Dieu des Prieurs 2022 93-95 Grand Barrail La Marzelle Figeac 2022 91-93 Grand Corbin 2022 91-93 Grand Corbin Despagne 2022 94-96 Grand Mayne 2022 92-94 Haut Brisson 2022 91-93 Haut Simard 2022 93-95 Haut Sarpe 2022 91-93 Héritage de Monlot 2022 90-92 L’If 2022 97-99 Laforge 2022 91-93 Laniote 2022 Larcis Ducasse 2022 95-97 Larmande 2022 94-96 Laroque 2022 96-98 Laroze 2022 92-94 Lassègue 2022 92-94 Mangot 2022 92-94 La Marzelle 2022 93-95 Monbousquet 2022 90-92 La Mondotte 2022 95-97 Mondot 2022 91-93 Monlot 2022 92-94 Montlabert 2022 91-93 Montlisse 2022 89-91 Moulin de Cadet 2022 91-93 Moulin St Georges 2022 92-94 Du Parc 2022 Pavie 2022 96-98 Pavie Macquin 2022 93-95 Peby-Faugères 2022 93-95 Petit Faurie de Soutard 2022 90-92+ Peymouton 2022 92-94 Pindefleurs 2022 89-91 Poesia 2022 92-94 De Pressac 2022 92-94 Le Prieuré 2022 93-95 Puyblanquet 2022 92-94+ Quinault L’Enclos 2022 93-95 Ripeau 2022 92-94 Rocheyron 2022 97-99 Rol Valentin 2022 91-93 Sansonnet 2022 92-94+ Saint Georges Côte Pavie 2022 93-95 Saintem 2022 89-91 La Serre 2022 92-94 Simard 2022 90-92 Soutard 2022 93-95 Tertre Rôtebeouf 96-98 Teyssier 2022 90-92 Tour Baladoz 2022 90-92 La Tour Figeac 2022 91-93 Tour Saint Christophe 2022 94-96 Trianon 2022 90-92 Troplong-Mondot 2022 96-98 Trottevieille 2022 96-98 Valandraud 2022 94-96 Vieux Chateau Mazerat 2022 93-95 Villemaurine 2022 92-94+ Yon Figeac 2022 89-91